Get to know me

Welcome to Living Health Naturally

My goal is..

To bring practical daily health and wellness solutions to individuals needing support and guidance to find their inner calm, strength and joyful spirit.

When we feel physically and emotionally at our best we can bring that energy into our daily lives and into the relationships around us.


My Passion is…

To encourage others to tap into their full potential and to live fully from their heart, both on and off the mat.

​“May we liberate ourselves, so we can liberate the world”

A little more about myself Danielle Williams..

Yoga Teacher, Naturopath, Wellness Presenter & Coach

I’m a wellness enthusiast, mum of two and my mantra for many years has been to incorporate all the things in to my life that support, wellness to the mind and body.

This includes restoring our personal energy levels through the practices of yoga, good digestion & clean eating, earthing, sound energy, breath work and emotional clearing (mental de-cluttering)

With a background in gymnastics I fell in love and began yoga to maintain a connection for my love of strong, flexible body movements – strengthening the body and regaining and maintaining mobility.

And in saying that like everything in life we need to find the balance which is where my passion of restorative yoga classes came in, I found softness, acceptance, gratitude and it deepened my connection to the self.

"I highly recommend Danielle's classes. Her breath work and meditation has helped tremendously with my anxiety levels. Her flow classes have helped me build core strength and concentration. I feel like I have a more positive outlook on life from her teachings" - Diana Koeing